Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


La Rassegna Stampa

lunedì 20 gennaio 2020

Now Online: FAO podcast - Blue Innovators

As part of the new FAO series “Blue Innovators”, two podcasts have just been released.

Blue innovators across the globe are coming up with novel ways to protect the ocean, harness its resources sustainably, and support the communities that depend on the ocean for food and for their livelihoods.

Blue innovators: Plastic made from fish
Meet Lucy Hughes, the inventor a bioplastic made from fish waste. The graduate student's innovation won the 2019 James Dyson Award.
Click to listen.
Producer: Charlotta Lomas

Croissance bleue & innovation: L'intelligence artificielle pour lutter contre la pêche illégale
Badr Idrissi est fondateur d'Atlan Space, une start-up qui développe de l’intelligence artificielle pour lutter contre le phénomène, souvent associé à d’autres activités illégales comme le trafic de drogue ou d’armes, le trafic humain ou encore l’esclavage.
Click to listen.
Producer: Anais Hotin

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