Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


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Communiqué de presse - Audition du commissaire désigné Janusz Wojciechowski

La commission de l’agriculture a interrogé mardi après-midi le candidat au portefeuille de l’agriculture, le Polonais Janusz Wojciechowski, notamment sur la réforme de la PAC.
Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Source : © Union européenne, 2019 - PE
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Opening speech by Árni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department at Official opening of Aqua Nor 2019

Árni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Official held the opening speech at Aqua Nor 2019, Trondheim, Norway - 20 August 2019


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New Release: Guidelines for increasing access of small-scale fisheries to insurance services in Asia: A handbook for insurance and fisheries stakeholders

The purpose of these insurance guidelines is fourfold, i.e.:

  • to increase awareness about the needs of small-scale fishers for better risk management, disaster preparedness and insurance services
  • to guide policy and decision makers to help introduce insurance services to small-scale fishers, with the ultimate objective to strengthen the sustainability and ecological and economic viability of these fisheries;
  • to build capacity among insurance providers, fisherfolk organizations, NGOs, and concerned government agencies, to design and implement insurance programmes that suit the needs of small-scale fishing communities and enhance social protection;
  • to promote insurance services that incentivize and reward a responsible and sustainable conduct of fishing operations and a better preparedness for natural disasters including climate change related challenges.

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Social and economic performance of tilapia farming in Brazil (FI Circular 1181)


The goal of the document is to provide a comprehensive and balanced assessment of the technical, economic and social dimensions of tilapia farming in Brazil with a focus on its socio-economic impacts. The document is based on local data and information (including field data) provided by government agencies and research institutes (e.g. Embrapa) in Brazil and incorporates the latest FAO statistics on global fishery and aquaculture production and fisheries commodities trade. The document follows the structure of a previous FAO publication on the social and economic performance of tilapia farming in five African countries (i.e. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1130), as well as one on the social and economic dimensions of seaweed farming in six countries worldwide (i.e. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 580).

Tilapia is the most popular aquaculture species item farmed in over 120 countries or territories worldwide. Global tilapia aquaculture production grew 11 percent annually (or 13 percent in terms of farmgate value) over the past three decades, from 0.3 million tonnes (USD 304 million) in 1987 to 5.9 million tonnes (USD 11 billion) in 2017. Aquaculture production in Brazil increased 14 percent annually (or 12 percent in terms of farmgate value), from 13 000 tonnes (USD 56 million) in 1987 to 595 000 tonnes (USD 1.5 billion) in 2017, making it a regional aquaculture powerhouse contributing to 20 percent of Latin America and the Caribbean ’s aquaculture production in 2017. In Brazil, tilapia has been the largest aquaculture item, contributing to nearly half of the country’s aquaculture production tonnage in 2017. This document assesses tilapia farming and the value chain in Brazil by examining tilapia farming technology and practices, dissecting the tilapia value chain, evaluating the sector’s social and economic performance, discussing the importance of proper governance to the sector development, and highlighting potentials, issues, constraints and challenges in the development of tilapia farming or aquaculture in general in Brazil.  

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New Release: Guidelines for micro-finance and credit services in support of small-scale fisheries in Asia: A handbook for finance and fisheries stakeholders

The purpose of these guidelines is fourfold: (i) Increase awareness about the financial service needs of small-scale fishers (SSF) for more sustainable and inclusive access to finance; (ii) Guide policy and decision makers in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere, to help introduce and incentivize financial services to small-scale fishers, with the ultimate objective to encourage investment in the industry and by doing so influence and strengthen sustainability, ecological and economic viability of these fisheries; (iii) Build capacity among financial service providers, fisherfolk organizations, NGOs, and concerned government agencies, to design and implement financial service products and programmes that suit the needs of small-scale fishing communities and enhance social protection; and (iv) romote financial services that incentivize and reward a responsible and sustainable conduct of fishing, fish processing and marketing operations.


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«novembre 2020»

Technical Seminar on Aquaculture Biosecurity: Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Aquaculture

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FAO and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) are organizing a two-day webinar to raise awareness, share experience and knowledge on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in aquaculture for better understanding including challenges and priority issues.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) refers to microorganisms – bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites – that have acquired resistance to antimicrobial agents, e.g. antibiotics. While this phenomenon can occur naturally through microbial adaptation to the environment, it has been exacerbated by inappropriate and excessive use of antimicrobial agents.

The attention to AMR has increased during the last 10 years. AMR is considered a global health threat and is predicted to hinder achievement of the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and World Health Organization (WHO) formed a collaborative tripartite to target this issue and has since adopted a Global Action Plan on AMR to assist the three organizations in achieving their strategic plans at international, regional and national levels.

The FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) Technical Guidelines on the Prudent and Responsible Use of Veterinary Medicines in Aquaculture (No. 5 Suppl. 8) provide recommendations and general guidance on the use of veterinary medicines in aquaculture to responsible government agencies, private-sector aquaculture producers and aquatic animal health professionals. They emphasize the need for Member Countries to encourage the prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines in farmed aquatic populations. They emphasize, among the guiding principles, that responsible use of veterinary medicines in aquaculture requires collaboration among all stakeholders and a strong commitment to governance, awareness, best practices, surveillance and research, including monitoring of AMR, tracking of antimicrobial usage (AMU), assessing risk in different settings and evaluating  strategies to reduce AMR and maintain efficacy of antimicrobial agents. These guidelines  support the international aquatic animal health standards of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the food safety standards of the FAO/World Health Organization (WHO) Codex Alimentarius and the One Health platform under the FAO/OIE/WHO Tripartite Collaboration on AMR.

There are three basic questions pertaining to AMR in aquaculture:  

  • What are the sources of AMR in aquaculture?
  • What are the drivers of AMR development in aquaculture?
  • How can AMR development in aquaculture be reduced or prevented?

The two-day webinar will provide some clarification on the above questions and increase our understanding of AMR issues in aquaculture through the sharing of expert knowledge and country level experience.

Further information can be obtained by writing to:;

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The Smart Fish Co-Management (SFC) project launch coincides with the Virtual Myanmar Project Area Identification Meeting

The Smart Fish Co-Management (SFC) project launch coincides with the Virtual Myanmar Project Area Identification Meeting

On 24 and 25 November 2020 the Smart Fish Co-Management (SFC) will run a virtual meeting to bring together stakeholders representing various interests around fisheries co-management in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to review the objective, outputs, and activities of the project.

On this occasion, the project will kick-off its five years' work plan and all planned activities as part of the Korea FAO Sustainable and Innovative Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme (KOFAP), a joint collaboration agreement among the Government of the Republic of Korea and the FAO Fisheries Division.

The project aims at improving the capacity of governments and fishing communities in fisheries co-management, as a solution to face all the emerging challenges that threaten the sustainable use of fishery resources and might affect fish stocks sustainability, resources exploitation, as well as social aspects, economies, livelihoods, food security, and nutrition levels.

Conceived to support the co-management capacity, evaluation and building, the SFC also intends to develop sustainable coastal livelihoods in fishing communities in selected countries, the first of which is the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Through open dialogue and collaborative consultation, the project will look at enhancing the livelihoods of fishing communities, to enable socio-economic uplift of the fisherfolks and their communities.

The core of the dialogue with all Myanmar stakeholders will be to develop the best cooperation and coordination mechanism at state, region, district, township, ward, and village levels. Part of the discussion will also be site selection criteria, to put into the field the fisheries co-management evaluation approach.

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