Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


La Rassegna Stampa

Virtual course on the Design of an Active Surveillance for Diseases of Aquatic Organisms using a 12-point Checklist

31 August to 13 September 2021

This virtual training course is being carried out under the auspices of the TCP/EGY/3705: Enhancing biosecurity governance to support sustainable aquaculture production in Egypt. A 12-point checklist in the design and practical application of active surveillance of diseases in aquatic organisms (farmed and wild population) was developed to serve as a methodological approach and guidance for a multidisciplinary team particularly in countries where surveillance expertise is limited. It is a stepwise and pragmatic approach that offers a good starting point for addressing disease issues especially in developing countries. It can be used as a model to build targeted surveillance competency and a basic reference when implementing a surveillance programme or improving existing programmes. The checklist is based on a review of available main aquatic surveillance references and scientific literature and was further developed based on the outcomes of several aquaculture biosecurity project-related workshops hosted by the FAO (Bondad-Reantaso et al. 2021;

The 12-point checklist includes the following:

  1. scenario setting;
  2. defining surveillance objective;
  3. (defining the populations;
  4. disease clustering;
  5. case definition;
  6. diagnostic testing;
  7. study design and sampling;
  8. data collection and management;
  9. data analysis;
  10. validation and quality assurance;
  11. human and financial resources and logistics requirements; and
  12. surveillance in the bigger picture.

For a multidisciplinary team approach to disease control, knowledge of fish biology, aquaculture systems and many aspects of aquaculture health management and biosecurity are required. Surveillance needs significant financial investment and must be supported by adequate diagnostic capability, information system management, legal framework and communication networks, with transparent reporting mechanisms to allow rapid disease response for serious diseases of aquatic organisms. Thus, an appropriate design of the surveillance plan and practical implementation are very important.

The virtual course is presented in English and Arabic languages.

Further information can be obtained via email:

Presentations and reference materials are available here.

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webinaire en phycologie appliquée du 28 septembre 2021

The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) organizes, in association with the Tunisian Assocaition for Scientific Information (ATIS) and funded by Global seaweed STAR (GSSTAR) and the international Society of applied Phycology (ISAP), a one-day online training course on September 28, entitled: “Revealing Algae Biotechnological Potentials to Contribute to Sustainable Blue Growth in Mediterranean ".
For registration, visit this link :
Autore: Saloua Sadok
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New publication: Seaweeds and microalgae: an overview for unlocking their potential in global aquaculture development

Seaweeds and microalgae: an overview for unlocking their potential in global aquaculture development

(FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular 1229)

Algae, including seaweeds and microalgae, contribute nearly 30 percent of world aquaculture production (measured in wet weight), primarily from seaweeds. Seaweeds and microalgae generate socio-economic benefits to tens of thousands of households, primarily in coastal communities, including numerous women empowered by seaweed cultivation. Various human health contributions, environmental benefits and ecosystem services of seaweeds and microalgae have drawn increasing attention to untapped potential of seaweed and microalgae cultivation. Highly imbalanced production and consumption across geographic regions implies a great potential in the development of seaweed and microalgae cultivation. Yet joint efforts of governments, the industry, the scientific community, international organizations, civil societies, and other stakeholders or experts are needed to realize the potential. This document examines the status and trends of global algae production with a focus on algae cultivation, recognizes the algae sector’s existing and potential contributions and benefits, highlights a variety of constraints and challenges over the sector’s sustainable development, and discusses lessons learned and way forward to unlock full potential in algae cultivation and FAO’s roles in the process. From a balanced perspective that recognizes not only the potential of algae but also constraints and challenges upon the realization of the potential, information and knowledge provided by this document can facilitate evidence-based policymaking and sector management in algae development at the global, regional and national levels.


See also the WAPI factsheet on Global seaweeds and microalgae production, 1950–2019

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New publication: Top 10 species groups in global aquaculture 2019

Top 10 species groups in global aquaculture 2019

This factsheet presents the top 10 species groups in 2019 global aquaculture production and features seaweeds that are recently receiving increasing global attention as potential restorative aquaculture species. The ranking of all 68 species groups in global aquaculture 2019 is illustrated on the back cover. More information about the top 10 species groups at regional and national level can be found in a more comprehensive factsheet as supplementary materials. The comprehensive factsheet also elaborates on the species grouping methodology used in the ranking exercise.

See also the supplementary materials

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Tribute to Fabio Hazin

Fabio Hazin ©FAO/Greco

The Food and Agriculture Organization has paid tribute to the esteemed international consultant, Fabio Hazin, who worked with FAO on global issues related to fisheries and aquaculture. He passed away in Brazil in early June.

Hazin, an academic and respected shark scientist, was the chair of FAO's Committee on Fisheries from 2014-2016. He also chaired technical consultations for guidelines on Small-Scale Fisheries 2013-2014 and technical consultations that led to the adoption of the FAO Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA). The PSMA is the first binding international agreement designed to prevent and eliminate IUU fishing.

FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, expressed his condolences and acknowledged Hazin's contribution to the organization's initiatives.

Manuel Barange, Director of FAO Fisheries, also expressed his profound loss at the passing of his colleague and friend.

"Fabio was not just a consultant. He was an excellent chair of FAO COFI," Barange said. "He also chaired two FAO SSF Guidelines Technical Consultations, which he managed with a great diplomacy and technical excellence."

"FAO and NFI have lost a great man and many of us have lost a friend. My thoughts are with his family."

Hazin was a professor in the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). He graduated in Fisheries Engineering from UFRPE and received his master's degree and doctorate in Marine Science and Technology/Fisheries Oceanography at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.

In recent years Hazin chaired meetings of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement and played a key role in UN negotiations on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ). He was also a former Chair of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) as well as head of the Brazilian delegation for the same organization.

Alejandro Anganuzzi, the Global Coordinator of the FAO-led Common Oceans Program, said Hazin was a well-known scientist in the field of biology and shark conservation and a recognized leader at international forums and events.

"His inquisitive mind, professional integrity, and clear and organized approach to lead a process, meant that he was often elected to chair important international meetings," Anganuzzi noted.

Hazin left an important legacy to colleagues and the international community.

"It was always a pleasure with work with Fabio, thanks to his positive attitude, his endless energy and the clarity of his ideas, which he was able to communicate effectively to many audiences.

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12345678910 Ultimo
«aprile 2014»

Communiqué de presse - Promotion des produits agricoles: adoption de l'accord conclu avec le Conseil - Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Un accord conclu avec le Conseil des ministres sur des mesures visant à stimuler la vente de produits agricoles européens au sein de l'UE et à l'étranger, ainsi qu'à restaurer la confiance des consommateurs en cas de perturbations sur le marché, a été approuvé par la commission de l'agriculture lundi.
Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Source : © Union européenne, 2014 - PE
Per saperne di più

Communiqué de presse - Politique de la pêche: les députés adoptent la dernière phase de la réforme

Séance plénière : Les règles de fonctionnement du Fonds européen pour les affaires maritimes et la pêche (FEAMP), destinées à aider les pêcheurs à se conformer aux exigences de la nouvelle politique commune de la pêche, ont été votées mercredi. Le FEAMP vise à aider les pêcheurs à respecter l’interdiction des rejets de poisson en mer, par exemple en investissant dans des engins de pêche plus sélectifs, à améliorer la sécurité, les conditions de travail, la collecte des données et les infrastructures portuaires.

Source : © Union européenne, 2014 - PE
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FAO AUDIO: High-level gathering focuses on identifying solutions for healthy oceans

Árni M. Mathiesen is the Assistant Director-General of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department at FAO. In the following interview he elaborates on the priority issues being addressed at the summit and the biggest challenges facing the world’s marine related sectors.
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Global Oceans Action Summit for Food Security and Blue Growth opens in The Hague

Urgent coordinated action is needed to restore the health of the world’s oceans and secure the long-term well-being and food security of a growing global population. That is a key message of an international summit that opens today in The Hague, the Netherlands.
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Summit commits to concrete actions to turn around ocean health and secure food security for millions of people

A summit that brought together more than 600 ocean stakeholders – including 80 ministers from across the world, ocean science experts, business leaders, philanthropists and heads of international organizations – committed to a set of concrete actions responding to the urgency for restoring productive, resilient oceans that drive broad-based blue growth and deliver food security.

A joint initiative of the Government of the Netherlands, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Bank, the Global Oceans Action Summit for Blue Growth and Food Security found unprecedented convergence around the urgent steps needed to tackle the key threats to the world’s oceans: climate change, overfishing, habitat loss and pollution.
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