Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


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Now Online: FAO podcast - Blue Innovators

As part of the new FAO series “Blue Innovators”, two podcasts have just been released.

Blue innovators across the globe are coming up with novel ways to protect the ocean, harness its resources sustainably, and support the communities that depend on the ocean for food and for their livelihoods.

Blue innovators: Plastic made from fish
Meet Lucy Hughes, the inventor a bioplastic made from fish waste. The graduate student's innovation won the 2019 James Dyson Award.
Click to listen.
Producer: Charlotta Lomas

Croissance bleue & innovation: L'intelligence artificielle pour lutter contre la pêche illégale
Badr Idrissi est fondateur d'Atlan Space, une start-up qui développe de l’intelligence artificielle pour lutter contre le phénomène, souvent associé à d’autres activités illégales comme le trafic de drogue ou d’armes, le trafic humain ou encore l’esclavage.
Click to listen.
Producer: Anais Hotin

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 Deuxième Atelier de travail : Microalgues : vers l’application du savoir

Deuxième Atelier de travail : Microalgues : vers l’application du savoir


Autore: Saloua Sadok
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FAO and NORAD convene a round table discussion: Lessons Learned on Response Actions to Aquatic Disease Emergencies

FAO and NORAD convene a round table discussion: Lessons Learned on Response Actions to Aquatic Disease Emergencies

A Round-Table Discussion on Moving Forward through Lessons Learned on Response Actions to Aquatic Disease Emergencies will be held at FAO Headquarters from 16-18 December 2019. The Round Discussion will bring together some 43 aquatic animal health experts from 22 countries to review country experiences in dealing with health emergencies in aquatic animals in both aquaculture and wild populations. During Day 1, presentations on the role of the Competent Authority and national experiences in dealing with aquatic animal mass mortality events will be presented by representatives of 10 countries (People's Republic of China, Ghana, Indonesia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Norway, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, United States of America, Zambia), followed by presentations of the role of NACA, OIE and FAO in supporting national disease outbreak investigations. On the morning of Day 2, a series of presentations on "Producer and research/academic sectors: role and activities/experiences related to investigating specific mass mortalities of aquatic animals" will be given by MSD (Belgium), IZSV (Italy), WBVR (Netherlands), CEFAS (UK) and MSU (USA) , followed by a working group activity on "Essential elements of an effective and timely response action to aquatic animal disease emergencies". In the afternoon, a draft Decision Tree for Dealing with Aquatic Animal Mass Mortality Events (MMEs) will be presented by FAO as the basis for a guidance manual to assist front-line responders in dealing with investigations of MMEs. A Working Group discussion will be held on the Decision Tree, and the contents to be included in an associated guidance manual that will be developed. Finally, on Day 3, the participants will hear a presentation on the Global Burden of Animal Diseases, and will have Working Group discussions on "Considerations for developing a framework for the systematic impact assessment of aquatic animal diseases"; and a final session on "Identifying key elements for a project proposal to improve national response actions to aquatic animal disease emergencies." The Round-table Discussion is being lead by FAO Officers (Dr M. Reantaso, Dr H. Bin) assisted by Drs R. Arthur (Canada), D. Huchzermeyer (South Africa) and R. Subasinghe (Sri Lanka).

Annex 1

Annex 2

Presentations and documents

More information:

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SADC commits to monitor and is expected to fast-track the implementation of its Protocol on Fisheries including the sustainable development of an aquaculture sector.

Click to enlarge

Since 2018, FAO and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) have developed and are implementing joint and agreed programs as well as work plans in a number of areas including the Aquaculture and Fisheries sectors.

In June this year, SADC Ministers approved the Best Practice Guidelines for Aquaculture Management in the region. In addition to the best practices guidelines, another tool was approved by the SADC at ministerial level, to help member states to monitor the implementation of the SADC Fisheries Protocol.

These tools will be used by member states to monitor progress and actions towards implementation of the regional Protocol on Fisheries which covers a number of the subsectors including Aquaculture, Management and Protection of the Aquatic Environment, Human Resources Development, Trade and Investment and Science and Technology.

In order to further cement the implementation of the Protocol on Fisheries, a high level workshop was recently held in Harare, Zimbabwe. In a speech read on his behalf, the FAO Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa, Alain Onibon, said by adopting the Protocol on Fisheries, SADC members, have recognised that there are common interests in that hundreds of millions of their people are dependent on fisheries resources.

"The livelihoods of fishing communities in the SADC region are among the most insecure and vulnerable in the region. The growing population of the region is dependent on its fisheries resources with an overall increasing tendency towards an over-exploited status of marine and inland fisheries resources. Lack of management actions have resulted in an increasing tendency of depletion of resources but also in a tremendous waste of the value and income of these resources to this region. The consequences are most devastating for the poorest communities of the SADC region," said Onibon.

The Permanent Secretary, Mr Muneso Munodawafa paid a courtesy visit to the meeting on its second day and in his address to the meeting emphasised the importance of fish products to food security, nutrition, and the economies of the SADC including Zimbabwe. He said that the work undertaken at this meeting is encouraging and informing priority areas for SADC member states to fast-track domestication and implementation of the SADC Protocol on Fisheries.

SADC members expect the two tools developed with the support of the FAO to reinforce and inform bettered coordination and implementation of their programs in aquaculture and fisheries.

Since June 2019, the members of the SADC are now making collective efforts to monitor the implementation of their regional Protocol on Fisheries. Support from development partners is important, however these investments and planned actions that members are undertaking through their own means and participation in this process are vital in achieving a more sustainable management of the fisheries sectors.

A SADC Protocol Implementation workshop meeting held in Harare, 13 November 2019, marked the start of implementation of monitoring tools for the SADC Protocol on Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Guidelines implementation.

This is enabling the development of better coordinated interventions, partnerships, and actions towards a sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development in the region (both at regional and national levels). Partners such as Advance Africa, the African Centre of Excellence for Fisheries and Aquaculture, and others such as the German Cooperation are cooperating and collaborating with the FAO in supporting SADC interventions now, for 2020 and beyond.

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A presentation delivered by Arni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

Video presentation on "Hand-in-Hand The Blue Umbrella Programme" delivered on the occasion of the "Reunion Internacional para la Cooperacion Sur-Sur y Triangular en el marco de la Iniciativa" held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia on 26-27 November 2019.

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«maggio 2015»

Communiqué de presse - Oliviers: des réponses pour combattre la propagation de bactéries tueuses

Séance plénière : Le Parlement interrogera la Commission européenne jeudi matin sur les mesures pour lutter contre l'épidémie de la bactérie Xylella fastidiosa, qui a infecté plusieurs milliers d'hectares de plantations d'oliviers en Italie et pour empêcher sa propagation à d'autres régions de l'UE. La Commission sera également questionnée sur la façon d’indemniser les producteurs dont les arbres devront être détruits.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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Press release - Milan Expo 2015: EU must foster global food security, MEPs say

Plenary sessions : The EU should use the Milan Expo 2015 to encourage sustainable agronomic practices, promote fairness in the supply chain, and fight food waste and malnutrition, says a resolution voted by Parliament on Thursday, the eve of the official opening of the event. The ultimate aim of these efforts should be to strengthen global food security, it adds.

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
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FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture welcomes the start of Expo-2015

1 May 2015 opened the Universal Exhibition, Expo-2015, in Milan, kicking off a six-month global event dedicated to "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life".
The theme for the event is one at the core FAO's Fisheries and Aquaculture mandate: how to guarantee healthy, safe and sufficient food to everyone, while respecting the natural resources of our planet. For this reason, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture is pleased to be collaborating with Expo-2015 and UN Expo-2015 at various events through October.
We invite you to follow our upcoming events for May, either through news on our web site, through our live tweeting of events on our Twitter account @FAOfish, or by coming to see us in Venice and Milan.

ONU EXPO 2015 MAP (pdf)

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture at Expo-2015 in May:

Friday, 8 May
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture will participate at an interesting side event of the Milan Expo entitled AQUAE VENEZIA 2015, this side event to Expo-2015 is taking place in Venice and is dedicated exclusively to the theme of water. On 8 May, FAO Fisheries will participate in Pianeta Aqua - Green Drop. Stop by in the afternoon when Aquaculture officer Alessandro Lovatelli will speak at a round table on "Feeding the World: the Role of Oceans and Water Resources" or follow us on Twitter @FAOfish as we live tweet the event from Venice. Other participants in the roundtable will discuss renewable marine resources, sharks in the Adriatic Sea, and aquaculture, in what is certain to be an interesting discussion.

Friday, 22 May
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture will participate in a European Commission - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries-sponsored event entitled Aquaculture in Europe: A model for the future.
Bringing together key actors such as producers, researchers, NGOs,  consumers, and popular chefs the event will look at how European aquaculture can help meet the ever growing demand for fish. It will showcase good practices from across Europe and then open up a discussion among the participants broken in small groups (World café) sitting in circle shape on the different challenges: environmental, economic and social as well as future prospects.
The event will include also a ceremony to announce the 3 winners among the 20 European schools that have participated in the pilot project of the "FARMED IN THE EU" campaign, in which students (12-18 old) have met local fish farmers and produced material to explain the sector in their regions. The aim of this project was to show the human face of a sector that is still unknown to many citizens: the 3 producers will be present to interact with students and teachers and to explain what they have learned together!

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An international day to raise awareness on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing

GFCM/FAO organized two working-group meetings in Marrakech, Morocco, on 20-24 April 2015, during which international experts discussed measures to deter IUU fishing, including the use of vessel monitoring systems (VMS).

GFCM press release

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Nansis version 1.9 is now available

Nansis, the Survey Information System for logging, editing and analysis of biological and environmental data from marine fisheries research surveys, has undergone a series of improvements since 2006 when the first version for Window was released.
The software and the database which constitute the system are principally used to store and retrieve data for scientific or decision making purposes.
Throughout the years, several updates were made to optimize software stability and performances, based on suggestions provided by the user group of fisheries scientists.
From 27 to 31 October 2014, an early version 1.9 of Nansis was introduced and tested by a number of participants attending the Training of Trainers course on Nansis held at Casablanca, Morocco. The course, organized by the EAF-Nansen project, was to train scientist in the use of Nansis and in the meantime to test it. During the course, participants highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the software providing suggestions on suitable improvements.
Based on feedback received a new series of enhancements was planned and an updated version is now available as public release.
Nansis version 1.9 is meant to be a user-friendly tool with enhanced features. Indeed a wizard process easily lead users through a series of well-defined and simplified steps to successfully finalize the installation.
The version 1.9 of the software was officially released on 17 May 2015, on the occasion of the Norwegian national day, both on the EAF-Nansen project Nansis page and the Institute of Marine Research Website. On the webpages technical details on the software and download are also available.
We always strive to improve the quality and accuracy of Nansis. For this reason we warmly invite you to test version 1.9 of Nansis and provide us with your comments and suggestions at
The Nansis software is shipped only with a dummy dataset to be installed. The software is compatible with the database already installed with many users and the datasets received from the surveys with Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, please refer to the help menu on how to import your data. To receive data from the Nansen program to use with the database please contact Inês Bernardes at CDCF using the data download form available from the web.

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Women in the seafood industry – a worldwide FAO study

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization’s GLOBEFISH Programme has published the results of a worldwide study into the role of women in the seafood industry. The first of its kind, this report presents what is known and what remains to be investigated on this important subject, while aiming to raise the awareness of policy makers and business leaders on the essential role that women play in the industry and the inequity they experience. Despite the serious lack of data that the study reveals, the report identifies a series of cultural and societal barriers and discrimination towards women in the industry, in which they make up around 50% of the workforce. Roles between men and women, however, are sharply differentiated with women extremely dominant in sectors such as processing but largely absent in leadership positions and policy-making. Click here to access the full report and executive summary. 

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SmartFish press release - Rice-fish culture: development lever for family farming in Madagascar

The SmartFish programme of the Indian Ocean Commission, through its Food security component implemented by FAO, supports the awareness program on rice-fish farming Fish NGO APDRA.

Press release

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Article - Un programme unique pour la distribution de lait et de fruits dans les écoles

Séance plénière : Le projet de loi prévoyant la création d'un cadre légal et financier commun pour la distribution de fruits et de lait dans les écoles fera l'objet d'un débat puis d'un vote lors de la session plénière du 27 mai. Ce projet vise à encourager la consommation de fruits, de légumes et de produits laitiers chez les enfants européens. Il devrait également réduire les charges administratives. Suivez le débat en direct sur notre site web mercredi à 17 heures.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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Communiqué de presse - Lait et fruits à l'école: inculquer des habitudes alimentaires saines

Séance plénière : De bonnes habitudes alimentaires débutent dès l'enfance. Pour encourager un tel régime, l'UE et ses États membres devraient agir davantage, accroître les fonds et promouvoir la consommation de produits alimentaires locaux chez les enfants, a affirmé le Parlement ce mercredi.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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Scaling up aquaculture development through triangular cooperation between Namibia, Spain, Viet Nam and FAO

Aquaculture production remains low in sub-Saharan Africa, with per capita consumption of only 9.1 kg/year. But there is great potential to expand the sector on the African continent, particularly through the use of south-south cooperation programmes. One innovative programme currently in place is helping to improve aquaculture production in the Republic of Namibia through triangular cooperation between Namibia, Spain, Viet Nam and FAO.

Read document

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Mediterranean and Black Sea States to strengthen their cooperation and take historic measures for the future of fisheries in the region

GFCM/FAO, on the occasion of its thirty-ninth annual session, hosted representatives of 25 countries of the Mediterranean basin and the Black Sea, Japan, the European Union as well as intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to strengthen their cooperation and agree upon important measures for the management and conservation of fisheries resources in both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

GFCM press release

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