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Communiqué de presse - Pêche en eaux profondes limitée à 800m de profondeur dans l'Atlantique Nord-Est

Séance plénière : L’interdiction de la pêche au-delà d'une profondeur de 800 mètres dans l'Atlantique Nord-Est a été soutenue par le Parlement mardi. Elle s'appliquera au chalutage de fond, qui détruit souvent les habitats des fonds marins, et limitera la pêche en eaux profondes à la zone où elle avait lieu entre 2009 et 2011. Des contrôles plus stricts en mer ainsi que des règles sur la transparence de la collecte de données seront également appliqués.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
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Press release - MEPs ban deep-sea fishing below 800 meters in the North-East Atlantic

Plenary sessions : A ban on fishing below a depth of 800 meters in the North-East Atlantic was backed by Parliament on Tuesday. This ban will apply to bottom trawling, which often wrecks sea bed habitats, and also restrict deep-sea fishing to the area where it took place between 2009 and 2011. Tougher checks at sea and transparent data collection rules will also apply.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
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Press release: FAO/SMCP/MPEM workshop on eco-labelling of octopus in Mauritania

In view of the economic and social importance of the octopus fishery in Mauritania and its leading role in seafood exports from Mauritania, the SMCP (Seafood marketing and trade promotion of Mauritania) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have been exploring since 2015 ways and means to promote sustainable octopus fisheries through eco-labelling. The eco-labelling approach has been framed within the 2015-2019 National strategy for Fisheries Management of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Economy (MPEM), which was adopted by the Council of Ministers in February 2015.

An FAO/SMCP/MPEM workshop on eco-labelling of octopus in Mauritania was held in Nouadhibou during the period 25 to 26 October 2016. It was attended by national and international experts representing fisheries research, government, academia and industry.

Using the FAO guidelines for eco-labelling of fish and fishery products from marine fisheries and the related methodology of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for fisheries improvement, the workshop reviewed research data, studies and experiences of octopus harvesting and management in Mauritania to identify achievements for consolidations, as well as gaps and deficiencies to address in the 3 main areas of fisheries management: the stock, the eco-system and the management system.

The workshop has:

  • Confirmed the interest and usefulness of eco-labelling as a way to promote sustainable management and harvesting of octopus in Mauritania
  • Taken stock of the progress achieved since the  pre-evaluation that was carried out in 2010 using the MSC methodology
  • Designed the major elements of an action plan to address gaps and insufficiencies and assign responsibilities for its implementation

The workshop outcome will be used to develop shortly a roadmap for introducing eco-labelling of octopus in Mauritania and to mobilize the necessary resources to that effect. In this respect, the SMCP, that is mandated to promote the quality and label of the seafood exported from Mauritania and which is the major counterpart of seafood importers, will act as a focal point for this initiative. It will work to federate the efforts of the stakeholders and concerned institutions in Mauritania. FAO will make available its technical assistance and expertise for its implementation. A working group of experts from FAO and Mauritania will prepare by January 2017 a detailed action plan for eco-labelling octopus in Mauritania with defined activities, responsibilities, timetable, investment, monitoring and evaluation.

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November 2016 issue of FAO Aquaculture eBulletin

The November 2016 edition of the FAO Aquaculture eBulletin covers most recent news, publications, technical workshops and projects for the period April to November 2016.

Full article

Information: V. Crespi Valerio Crespi

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Communiqué de presse - Pêche au cabillaud en mer du Nord: fin des limites de temps en mer

Séance plénière : Les pêcheurs de cabillaud en mer du Nord pourront plus facilement débarquer toutes leurs prises - et pas seulement celles de cabillaud - suite au feu vert donné par le Parlement ce mardi. Le règlement mis à jour supprimera les limites qui s'appliquent au nombre de jours qu'un navire peut passer dans une zone de pêche et éliminera ainsi l’ensemble des obstacles liés au respect total de l’obligation de débarquement.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
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