Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


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Latest FAO Yearbook of Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics is out

The FAO Yearbook of Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics is a compilation of data on capture production, fleet, fishers, aquaculture production, commodities and apparent fish consumption statistics. The complete yearbook package for each of these categories – all the key information and statistical tables – is contained on one CD–ROM. An accompanying booklet includes general notes, concepts and classifications, as well as a pull-out map of FAO major fishing areas. Notes on the major trends and issues, along with summary tables relating to each individual statistical set are also included.



FAO. 2016. FAO yearbook. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics. 2014/FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches et de l'aquaculture. 2014/FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura. 2014. Rome/Roma, Italy/Italie/Italia.

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COFI 32 kicks off on Monday 11 July 2016 with a ceremony to celebrate the entry into force of the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA)

From 11 to 15 July, FAO headquarters in Rome will welcome the 32nd session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI). On top of a full programme of meetings and a jam-packed schedule of side events, during the week a ceremony will be held to celebrate the entry into force of the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA).
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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture - 2016

Twenty years on from the introduction of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Conduct, and now with the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Paris Agreement, and the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines, the focus on governance and policy has never been greater. This edition covers recent developments as they relate to fisheries and aquaculture, and reports, inter alia, on the Common Oceans ABNJ Program, FAO's Blue Growth Initiative and efforts to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. It also discusses issues such as valuing inland fisheries, cutting bycatch and promoting decent work. Other topics highlighted include: nutrition; aquatic invasive alien species; responsible inland fisheries; resilience in fisheries and aquaculture; and governance of tenure and user rights.

Publication card

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Global per capita fish consumption above 20 kilograms for the first time

July 2016, ROME - Global per capita fish consumption has risen to above 20 kilograms a year for the first time, thanks to stronger aquaculture supply and firm demand, record hauls for some key species and reduced wastage, according to a new FAO report published today.

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Communiqué de presse - Accord informel pour interdire la pêche en eaux profondes - Commission de la pêche

Les députés et les ministres ont conclu un accord interdisant la pêche au-delà d'une profondeur de 800 mètres dans l'Atlantique Nord-Est. L'interdiction, approuvée jeudi après-midi, s'appliquera au chalutage de fond et permettrait également de limiter la pêche en haute mer à la zone où elle avait lieu entre 2009 et 2011.
Commission de la pêche

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
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