Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


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TrapaniOggi - Al via il meeting del progetto BioVecQ.

Si svolge a Trapani, da oggi fino a sabato prossimo, il IV meeting del progetto BIOVecQ, iniziativa di cooperazione transfrontaliera promossa all’interno del programma europeo Italia-Tunisia. L’iniziativa che vede coinvolte le massime istituzioni scientifiche siciliane e tunisine operanti nella ricerca applicata del settore dei prodotti della pesca mira a favorire lo sviluppo e lo sfruttamento sostenibile della pesca nei due contesti territoriali attraverso l’integrazione e l’armonizzazione di processi biotecnologici, strumenti analitici e decisionali. (Scritto il 19 marzo 2015)

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FARNET Guide #10: Starting CLLD implementation in practice

As of the 2014-2020 programming period, the bottom-up methodology to local development can be funded by any of the European Structural and Investment Funds under its new name: Community-Led Local Development. As such, local development strategies may be implemented in very different types of areas, from rural to coastal to urban. This guide presents examples of applying CLLD under the different ESI Funds: EMFF, EAFRD, ESF and ERDF from the perspective of Managing Authorities and local actors. It also shows different methods of integrating the EU Funds at the local level.


Download Guide #10         

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UNCTAD-FAO joint statement on regulating fisheries subsidies

The 14th session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) met in Nairobi, Kenya 17-20 July 2016. During this Conference, FAO and UNCTAD issued a joint statement from Nairobi on the need to address harmful fisheries subsidies under SDG 14.6 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  This joint statement highlights that a positive negotiation outcome in the WTO subsidies negotiations will improve international efforts to address many of the negative impacts of fisheries subsidies. Furthermore, FAO and UNCTAD will reinforce their readiness to provide capacity building and technical assistance to contribute to member countries' efforts to achieve targets under SDG 14, specifically target 14.6.

Joint statement text

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Costa Rica receives award from FAO for combatting illegal fishing

FAO awarded Costa Rica for being one of the countries to sign the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

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April 2016 issue of FAO Aquaculture eBulletin is out

The April 2016 edition of the FAO Aquaculture eBulletin covers most recent news, publications, technical workshops and projects for the period January to April 2016.

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