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FAO Agreement on Port State Measures binding international law as of today

5 June 2016, Rome - A groundbreaking international accord aimed at stamping out illegal fishing went into effect today and is now legally binding for the 29 countries and a regional organization that have adhered to it.


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New Director of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division (FIA)

May 2016 - Manuel Barange assumed responsibilities as Director of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division (FIA). His professional record includes several high profile roles in the fisheries academic world: Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Science at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, U.K., Chair of the ICES Science Committee, leader of the international IGBP GLOBEC programme, Head of the Surveys and Fish Behaviour Division of the Sea Fisheries Research Institute in Cape Town, South Africa. In recent years Prof Barange has been very active in leading research on the development of quantitative tools to estimate the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, their resources, and their dependent communities, globally, regionally and nationally. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed papers and has edited several books. He has become an expert in understanding the two-way relationship between environmental and societal change. Prof Barange holds an Honorary Professorship with the University of Exeter, U.K. and in 2010 was awarded the UNESCO-IOC Roger Revelle Medal for his accomplishments and contributions to ocean science. 

Mr Barange can be reached via e-mail at and

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Communiqué de presse - Crise du lait: des mesures supplémentaires pour sauver les producteurs laitiers

Séance plénière : L'UE doit rapidement prendre de nouvelles mesures pour stabiliser les prix du lait et apporter un soulagement bien nécessaire aux producteurs laitiers touchés, ont exhorté les députés lors du débat en séance plénière jeudi avec le commissaire Phil Hogan et le vice-ministre néerlandais de l'agriculture Hans Hoogeveen. Ces mesures devraient inclure notamment une limitation à l'échelle européenne de la production de lait pour augmenter les prix, ont-ils dit.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
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Communiqué de presse - Crise du prix du lait: débat sur les mesures de soutien aux producteurs laitiers

Séance plénière : Au vu de la chute du prix du lait dans l'UE et de l'absence de signe de reprise dans un avenir proche, les députés interrogeront le commissaire Phil Hogan sur les mesures qui ont pour but d'alléger la pression sur les producteurs laitiers et de stabiliser leurs revenus, lors d'un débat jeudi à 8h30. L'embargo russe sur les importations européennes, la fin des quotas laitiers en 2015 ainsi qu'un déclin de la demande mondiale figurent parmi les facteurs qui auraient provoqué la crise.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
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Ground-breaking illegal fishing accord soon to enter into force: FAO Port State Measures Agreement set to become binding law

Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing is about to become much more difficult thanks to the imminent entry into force of the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA), a ground-breaking international accord championed by FAO.

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