Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


Revue de presse

Port State measures and national legislation – a guide for implementation

Port State measures are the front line of attack against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, whether it occurs under national jurisdiction or in the high seas. Implementation of these measures by port States, using minimum standards agreed at global and regional levels, is of vital importance for the sustainability of the tuna resource – which occurs in all waters.
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Mediterranean and the Black Sea governments join forces towards sustainable aquaculture development and food security

About 140 participants, representatives of governments and international organizations, delegates, experts and professionals from Mediterranean and Black Sea countries (Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine) met in Bari, Italy, on 11 December 2014, to discuss about the future of aquaculture in the region in light of Blue Growth and food security issues. The Regional Conference on “Blue Growth in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: developing sustainable aquaculture for food security” was organized by the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, together with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and in cooperation with the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF).

Aquaculture has strong potential to provide solutions for food security and to ensure sustainable growth in the region and, as such, it is a key component of the FAO Blue Growth Initiative. “The question is not if aquaculture can be food for the future, it has to be. There are very bright prospects for the region since aquaculture in the Mediterranean is at a very advanced stage’’ said Árni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of FAO.
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Policy Makers, Aquaculture and Fish Health Experts identify tools and programmes to be adopted in order to improve management and strengthen aquatic biosecurity governance in Africa

An aquatic biosecurity governance workshop bringing together more than 120 participants from Africa was held in Durban, South Africa between 05 and 07 November 2014.

The workshop, whose objective was to support sustainable aquatic food security for dietary animal protein and livelihoods through responsible aquaculture, kicked off with discussions on trends in global, African and SADC regional aquaculture as well as global and commodity-specific trends in aquatic animal health management.

Country specific and industry presentations on disease incidences and on-farm biosecurity management systems from Egypt, Madagascar, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia were made setting the stage for focused group discussions.
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FABLABs: collaborate with local innovators and tomorrow’s Bluegrowth pioneers.

What is a FABLAB?

Imagine a local repair shed managed by DIY and IT enthusiasts. A place packed with digital fabrication tools such as 3Dprinters, open to anyone eager to learn, create, innovate and share its findings with the community. These are FABLABs, or FABrication LABoratories, and they are opening new ways for local communities to engage in innovation and reinvent the wider economy.


Why this matters for FLAGs?

Even the maritime economy is witnessing the birth of its first Maritime FABLABs: on land (@navlab) or at sea (@lab-rev), these could soon influence Bluegrowth innovation and its local ownership, and this is something FLAGs should be part of. When designing local partnerships for the next programming period, FABLABs could be local stakeholders to count on. These could hold key elements to help local economies innovate and bring tailor made answers to Bluegrowth challenges. This is why FARNET is encouraging you to meet with your nearest FABLAB.

How to find one?

To meet with your nearest FABLAB, take part to the “Axis4man eurotrip” game:

  1. Download the 3D model of the #Axis4man figure: this model can then be printed on a 3D printer
  2. Get in touch with a FABLAB near you, this is where you will find a 3D printer
  3. Share a picture of your #Axis4man on twitter or Facebook, and add your FLAG area to his Eurotrip!


For any question, get in touch with Serge Gomes da Silva at FARNET Support Unit : sgs {at }

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Euro-Mediterranean Ministers acknowledge the key role of FAO-GFCM in the region

The FAO Director General, José Graziano da Silva, the Ministers and representatives of countries in the European Union, the Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East, and several international and regional organizations – including the European Commission and Union for the Mediterranean – met in Palermo (Italy) on 28 November 2014 to attend the Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Agriculture, following the invitation by the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, H.E. Maurizio Martina.

This conference was organized within the framework of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and brought together ministers and heads of delegations of 27 countries to discuss and subsequently sign a declaration which not only recognizes the importance of multilateral cooperation, but also welcomes stronger agricultural and rural policies in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
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9h30 - 9h45 Welcoming and Opening

Pr. Hechmi Missaoui, General Director of INSTM

Pr. Elizabeth Cottier-Cook , Programme Leader of GSSTAR

Dr. Celine Rebours, President of ISAP

Session Chair Pr. Saloua Sadok

09h45 - 10h30 Microalgae exploited species (Pr. Hatem Ben Ouada)

10h30 - 11h15 Active molecules from microalgae: structure and function (Pr. Hatem Ben Ouada) [lecture1]

11h15 - 11h30 Coffee break

11h30 - 11-45 Video 1 : Cultivation of spirulina in Tunisia from the lab to the marketing. [video1]

11h45 - 12h30 Seaweed cultivation (Dr. Fethi Mensi) [lecture2]

12h30 - 13h30 Lunch Time

Session Chair: Dr. Leila Ktari

13h30 - 14h00 Seaweed uses in Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Cosmetics (Dr. Leila Ktari) [lecture3]

14h00 - 14h30 Seaweed uses for Bioproducts and Bioenergy (Dr. Leila Chebil Ajjabi) [LECTURE4]

14h30 - 14-45 Video 2 : Revealing Seaweed Potential for Tunisian Blue Economy. [video2]

15h00 - 15h15 Coffee break

15h15 - 15h45 Seaweed uses for Phycoclloids production (Dr. Rafik Ben Said) [Lecture5]

15h45 -16h15 Seaweed associated bacteria and potential exploitation (Dr. Monia El Bour) [Lecture6]

16h30-16h45 Final discussion and questions from audience, closing
Author: Saloua Sadok
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Quatrième atelier de recherche-industrie: Planification des travaux sur l’Enrichissement des microalgues en oligoéléments

Quatrième atelier de recherche-industrie: Planification des travaux sur l’Enrichissement des microalgues en oligoéléments

21-24 Décembre 2021

Author: Saloua Sadok
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webinaire en phycologie appliquée du 28 septembre 2021

The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) organizes, in association with the Tunisian Assocaition for Scientific Information (ATIS) and funded by Global seaweed STAR (GSSTAR) and the international Society of applied Phycology (ISAP), a one-day online training course on September 28, entitled: “Revealing Algae Biotechnological Potentials to Contribute to Sustainable Blue Growth in Mediterranean ".
For registration, visit this link :
Author: Saloua Sadok
Article rating: No rating
 Deuxième Atelier de travail : Microalgues : vers l’application du savoir

Deuxième Atelier de travail : Microalgues : vers l’application du savoir


Author: Saloua Sadok
Article rating: 5.0

Concours de «l’Innovation Agricole» 2017

Concours de «l’Innovation Agricole» 2017

 L’Institution de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur Agricoles (IRESA) et l’Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (UTAP), en collaboration avec l’agence nationale de la promotion de la recherche organisent, à la marge de la 13ème édition du Salon International de l’Agriculture du machinisme agricole et de la pêche un concours de l’innovation agricole en sa première édition. La date limite de soumission est fixée pour le 15 septembre 2017. (Voir l’annonce : lien)

Télécharger l'annonce UTAP FR  (PDF)

Télécharger la fiche de projet finale 2016 (PDF)

Télécharger les critères de sélection finaux 2016 (PDF)

Author: Anonym
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«décembre 2014»

Shark “ID” training in Seychelles and Mauritius

Fishers, observers and inspectors have learned how to “ID” sharks and rays thanks to the SmartFish “Sharks and Rays Initiative”. The initiative aims to: raise awareness about preserving the islands’ biodiversity; enable compliance with new international measures (e.g. CITES); and address global pressure on shark and ray conservation. International fora and instruments are increasingly highlighting the need to obtain information on species caught or affected by fisheries, either as target, bycatch or incidental catch.

The initiative has produced the “On Board Guide for the Identification of Pelagic Sharks and Rays (Western Indian Ocean)” – a handy tool for a wide range of users from both the public and private sectors. The guide is intended to help fishery workers to ID at sea the sharks and rays they encounter.
The initiative has also held two training workshops, one in Mauritius (28–30 October 2014) and the other in Seychelles (4–6 November 2014), to train professionals on how to use the guide and what to look for when trying to ID pelagic sharks and rays. At the end of the course, participants were expected to be able to: use the identification keys to ID pelagic sharks and rays; collect samples and biological data on the species; and be aware of CITES and IOTC measures. A similar workshop is planned for Madagascar and the Comoros in 2015.

FAO has long worked to improve shark management and conservation (e.g. the 1999 International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks). Today, 18 of the world’s 26 main shark-fishing nations have a national plan of action (NPOA) on sharks and 5 more are developing theirs. Seychelles is reviewing its NPOA, and Mauritius is developing one.
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Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of Africa gearing to up-scaling performance

A working group to review the statutes and procedures of the Committee for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of Africa (CIFAA) has been constituted so as to strengthen the work of the continental body.

This was agreed at an extraordinary session of the CIFAA held on 1 and 2 December 2014 in Lusaka, Zambia. Furthermore, the Regional Office for Africa (RAF) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department and the FAO Legal Counsel will provide technical assistance to the Working Group.

The Working Group, which will hold its first meeting in March 2015, shall also look at funding issues, funding mechanisms and working budgets, how to schedule sessions and also put under scrutiny issues of training and capacity development to be conducted through or facilitated by CIFAA. The Working Group shall then report its recommendations to a special session of CIFAA. Alhaji Jallow, CIFAA secretary, who was appointed facilitator and convener of the meetings, will work towards aligning the statutes and rules of procedures of CIFAA with relevant intergovernmental and economic fora in Africa.
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Policy Makers, Aquaculture and Fish Health Experts identify tools and programmes to be adopted in order to improve management and strengthen aquatic biosecurity governance in Africa

An aquatic biosecurity governance workshop bringing together more than 120 participants from Africa was held in Durban, South Africa between 05 and 07 November 2014.

The workshop, whose objective was to support sustainable aquatic food security for dietary animal protein and livelihoods through responsible aquaculture, kicked off with discussions on trends in global, African and SADC regional aquaculture as well as global and commodity-specific trends in aquatic animal health management.

Country specific and industry presentations on disease incidences and on-farm biosecurity management systems from Egypt, Madagascar, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia were made setting the stage for focused group discussions.
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Mediterranean and the Black Sea governments join forces towards sustainable aquaculture development and food security

About 140 participants, representatives of governments and international organizations, delegates, experts and professionals from Mediterranean and Black Sea countries (Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine) met in Bari, Italy, on 11 December 2014, to discuss about the future of aquaculture in the region in light of Blue Growth and food security issues. The Regional Conference on “Blue Growth in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: developing sustainable aquaculture for food security” was organized by the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, together with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and in cooperation with the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF).

Aquaculture has strong potential to provide solutions for food security and to ensure sustainable growth in the region and, as such, it is a key component of the FAO Blue Growth Initiative. “The question is not if aquaculture can be food for the future, it has to be. There are very bright prospects for the region since aquaculture in the Mediterranean is at a very advanced stage’’ said Árni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of FAO.
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Port State measures and national legislation – a guide for implementation

Port State measures are the front line of attack against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, whether it occurs under national jurisdiction or in the high seas. Implementation of these measures by port States, using minimum standards agreed at global and regional levels, is of vital importance for the sustainability of the tuna resource – which occurs in all waters.
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