Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


Revue de presse

CWP - Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Aquaculture Subject Group and the Twenty-sixth Meeting of the Fisheries Subject now available

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The CWP Subject Groups - Aquaculture (CWP-AS) and Fisheries (CWP-FS) met in June 2016 to address matters related with the intersessional program for each Subject Group. The meeting reviewed the progress made since the Twenty-fifth session of the CWP and agreed on the actions for the second part of the intersessional period prior to the upcoming Twentysixth session of the CWP to be held prior to February 2019.

Full report here

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Concours de «l’Innovation Agricole» 2017

Concours de «l’Innovation Agricole» 2017

 L’Institution de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur Agricoles (IRESA) et l’Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (UTAP), en collaboration avec l’agence nationale de la promotion de la recherche organisent, à la marge de la 13ème édition du Salon International de l’Agriculture du machinisme agricole et de la pêche un concours de l’innovation agricole en sa première édition. La date limite de soumission est fixée pour le 15 septembre 2017. (Voir l’annonce : lien)

Télécharger l'annonce UTAP FR  (PDF)

Télécharger la fiche de projet finale 2016 (PDF)

Télécharger les critères de sélection finaux 2016 (PDF)

Author: Anonym
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FAO WriteShop 3 on Responsible Management of Bacterial Diseases in Aquaculture, 3-5 August 2017, Putrajaya, Malaysia

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One of the most serious pathogen groups causing devastating effects to cultured species in aquaculture are bacterial pathogens. However, not so much attention is given to this group because they rarely act as primary pathogens but rather most commonly as opportunistic pathogens on already damaged or severely immunocompromised hosts and there are treatment regimens available.

The third WriteShop related to a publication Responsible Management of Bacterial Diseases in Aquaculture was held in Putrajaya from 3-5 August 2017. This publication will provide the impetus to the anticipated actions that governments are taking particularly in the development of National Action Plans (NAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) - one of the strategies that underpins any intervention that will lead to reducing the development of AMR. It is essential to understand bacteria - they are the oldest life form on earth. They have survived 4 billion years because they have a remarkable ability to adapt to changes in their environment and since they are protean - they are mutable, flexible, versatile, adaptable and capable of adopting many forms. A good understanding as to how bacteria cause disease provides opportunities to manage the host, and use alternative treatments as well as effectively target key virulence factors for vaccines.

Some 38 pathogens belonging to six gram-negative and four gram-positive bacteria were considered as causing major bacterial diseases of cultured finfish, crustaceans and molluscs in fresh and marine waters. The selection of bacterial pathogens were based on a set of criteria developed by the experts, namely: (1) economic importance of affected species (2) socio-economic impact (3) zoonotic potential.

Important lessons in the past on the use of antibiotics to treat bacteria include essential considerations such as, e.g.: treatment should be based on correct diagnosis (i.e. antibiotics will work only against bacterial diseases); use antibiotics only when it is necessary, prudent and rational; antibiotic use should be used effectively and efficiently and be administered by a recognized professional; absence of susceptibility testing for the target bacterium is not good practice, imprudent and a waste of resources. Development of educational materials on prudent use, technical support for industry and aquatic animal health professionals and other stakeholders - is an urgent priority. It is hoped that this publication will serve this purpose.

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West Balkans Regional Aquatic Animal Disease Diagnostic Manual

This West Balkans Regional Aquatic Animal Disease Diagnostic Manual is a handbook whose main purpose is to facilitate the daily duties at aquaculture farms and provide a useful reference that will answer the majority of practical questions posed by official veterinarians, veterinary inspectors and fish health experts in five Western Balkan countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia) ... [Read more]
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Congratulations to the 2017 FAO Lizárraga Award winner!

The 2017 FAO Margarita Lizárraga Medal Award was awarded to the Commission for the Conservation of Antartic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), based in Australia. CCAMLR was selected for its exemplary conservation and management of marine living resources in the Convention Area (the Southern Ocean covering around 10% of the Earth's surface) in line with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. The Commission’s sustainable ecosystem-sensitive approach balances environmental conservation with the rational utilization of resources and acts as a model for similar initiatives, with great potential to be replicated by other Regional Fishery Bodies.

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9h30 - 9h45 Welcoming and Opening

Pr. Hechmi Missaoui, General Director of INSTM

Pr. Elizabeth Cottier-Cook , Programme Leader of GSSTAR

Dr. Celine Rebours, President of ISAP

Session Chair Pr. Saloua Sadok

09h45 - 10h30 Microalgae exploited species (Pr. Hatem Ben Ouada)

10h30 - 11h15 Active molecules from microalgae: structure and function (Pr. Hatem Ben Ouada) [lecture1]

11h15 - 11h30 Coffee break

11h30 - 11-45 Video 1 : Cultivation of spirulina in Tunisia from the lab to the marketing. [video1]

11h45 - 12h30 Seaweed cultivation (Dr. Fethi Mensi) [lecture2]

12h30 - 13h30 Lunch Time

Session Chair: Dr. Leila Ktari

13h30 - 14h00 Seaweed uses in Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Cosmetics (Dr. Leila Ktari) [lecture3]

14h00 - 14h30 Seaweed uses for Bioproducts and Bioenergy (Dr. Leila Chebil Ajjabi) [LECTURE4]

14h30 - 14-45 Video 2 : Revealing Seaweed Potential for Tunisian Blue Economy. [video2]

15h00 - 15h15 Coffee break

15h15 - 15h45 Seaweed uses for Phycoclloids production (Dr. Rafik Ben Said) [Lecture5]

15h45 -16h15 Seaweed associated bacteria and potential exploitation (Dr. Monia El Bour) [Lecture6]

16h30-16h45 Final discussion and questions from audience, closing
Author: Saloua Sadok
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Quatrième atelier de recherche-industrie: Planification des travaux sur l’Enrichissement des microalgues en oligoéléments

Quatrième atelier de recherche-industrie: Planification des travaux sur l’Enrichissement des microalgues en oligoéléments

21-24 Décembre 2021

Author: Saloua Sadok
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webinaire en phycologie appliquée du 28 septembre 2021

The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) organizes, in association with the Tunisian Assocaition for Scientific Information (ATIS) and funded by Global seaweed STAR (GSSTAR) and the international Society of applied Phycology (ISAP), a one-day online training course on September 28, entitled: “Revealing Algae Biotechnological Potentials to Contribute to Sustainable Blue Growth in Mediterranean ".
For registration, visit this link :
Author: Saloua Sadok
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 Deuxième Atelier de travail : Microalgues : vers l’application du savoir

Deuxième Atelier de travail : Microalgues : vers l’application du savoir


Author: Saloua Sadok
Article rating: 5.0

Concours de «l’Innovation Agricole» 2017

Concours de «l’Innovation Agricole» 2017

 L’Institution de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur Agricoles (IRESA) et l’Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (UTAP), en collaboration avec l’agence nationale de la promotion de la recherche organisent, à la marge de la 13ème édition du Salon International de l’Agriculture du machinisme agricole et de la pêche un concours de l’innovation agricole en sa première édition. La date limite de soumission est fixée pour le 15 septembre 2017. (Voir l’annonce : lien)

Télécharger l'annonce UTAP FR  (PDF)

Télécharger la fiche de projet finale 2016 (PDF)

Télécharger les critères de sélection finaux 2016 (PDF)

Author: Anonym
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«avril 2015»

Article - La fin des quotas laitiers

Général : L'ère des quotas laitiers européens se termine ce 1er avril. Pour la première fois depuis trois décennies, seules les forces du marché déterminent à présent combien de lait doit être produit dans l'Union européenne. On espère ainsi que l'abolition des quotas laitiers permette aux producteurs de lait européens de fournir les marchés à forte croissance d'Asie et d'Afrique. Cependant, quelques fermiers s'inquiètent quant à la volatilité des prix que pourrait amener cette abolition.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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Communiqué de presse - Lait et fruits à l'école: encourager des habitudes alimentaires saines - Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

L'UE et ses États membres doivent intensifier leurs efforts et accroître les financements afin de promouvoir des habitudes alimentaires saines et la consommation de produits alimentaires locaux chez les enfants. C'est ce qu'a affirmé la commission de l'agriculture ce mardi en modifiant le projet législatif européen sur les programmes en faveur de la consommation de fruits, de légumes et de lait à l'école.
Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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Communiqué de presse - Oliviers: des réponses pour combattre la propagation de bactéries tueuses

Séance plénière : Le Parlement interrogera la Commission européenne jeudi matin sur les mesures pour lutter contre l'épidémie de la bactérie Xylella fastidiosa, qui a infecté plusieurs milliers d'hectares de plantations d'oliviers en Italie et pour empêcher sa propagation à d'autres régions de l'UE. La Commission sera également questionnée sur la façon d’indemniser les producteurs dont les arbres devront être détruits.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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Press release - Milan Expo 2015: EU must foster global food security, MEPs say

Plenary sessions : The EU should use the Milan Expo 2015 to encourage sustainable agronomic practices, promote fairness in the supply chain, and fight food waste and malnutrition, says a resolution voted by Parliament on Thursday, the eve of the official opening of the event. The ultimate aim of these efforts should be to strengthen global food security, it adds.

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
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FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture welcomes the start of Expo-2015

1 May 2015 opened the Universal Exhibition, Expo-2015, in Milan, kicking off a six-month global event dedicated to "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life".
The theme for the event is one at the core FAO's Fisheries and Aquaculture mandate: how to guarantee healthy, safe and sufficient food to everyone, while respecting the natural resources of our planet. For this reason, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture is pleased to be collaborating with Expo-2015 and UN Expo-2015 at various events through October.
We invite you to follow our upcoming events for May, either through news on our web site, through our live tweeting of events on our Twitter account @FAOfish, or by coming to see us in Venice and Milan.

ONU EXPO 2015 MAP (pdf)

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture at Expo-2015 in May:

Friday, 8 May
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture will participate at an interesting side event of the Milan Expo entitled AQUAE VENEZIA 2015, this side event to Expo-2015 is taking place in Venice and is dedicated exclusively to the theme of water. On 8 May, FAO Fisheries will participate in Pianeta Aqua - Green Drop. Stop by in the afternoon when Aquaculture officer Alessandro Lovatelli will speak at a round table on "Feeding the World: the Role of Oceans and Water Resources" or follow us on Twitter @FAOfish as we live tweet the event from Venice. Other participants in the roundtable will discuss renewable marine resources, sharks in the Adriatic Sea, and aquaculture, in what is certain to be an interesting discussion.

Friday, 22 May
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture will participate in a European Commission - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries-sponsored event entitled Aquaculture in Europe: A model for the future.
Bringing together key actors such as producers, researchers, NGOs,  consumers, and popular chefs the event will look at how European aquaculture can help meet the ever growing demand for fish. It will showcase good practices from across Europe and then open up a discussion among the participants broken in small groups (World café) sitting in circle shape on the different challenges: environmental, economic and social as well as future prospects.
The event will include also a ceremony to announce the 3 winners among the 20 European schools that have participated in the pilot project of the "FARMED IN THE EU" campaign, in which students (12-18 old) have met local fish farmers and produced material to explain the sector in their regions. The aim of this project was to show the human face of a sector that is still unknown to many citizens: the 3 producers will be present to interact with students and teachers and to explain what they have learned together!

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