Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


Revue de presse

mercredi 4 décembre 2013

Joining forces in the Mediterranean and Black Sea for the future of small-scale fisheries and marine resources

St Julian’s, Malta – Over 170 participants from all fisheries actors of the Mediterranean and Black Sea have just met in St Julian’s, Malta, to share experiences and make steps towards a sustainable future for small-scale fisheries in the region. Discussions have laid the groundwork for a regional project fostering knowledge of all the components linked to small-scale fisheries and involving all interested stakeholders and have led to a collaboration agreement signed between fishers from the Northern and Southern Mediterranean shores. It is the first time ever that such a platform is created to enable cooperation between fishers from both sides of the Mediterranean.
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Categories: FAO - Fisheries and AcquacultureNumber of views: 829


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