Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


Revue de presse

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Field identification guide to the living marine resources of the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean

The FAO FishFinder programme has published a new guide,Field identification guide to the living marine resources of the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean, covering major animal groups of the southern and eastern Mediterranean Sea, including crustaceans, molluscs, sea urchins, fishes, sea turtles and marine mammals. It contains information on 372 species, selected according to their economic interest, commonness, and endangered or invasive status.

Each entry includes scientific nomenclature, FAO common names, size, habitat and biology, importance to fisheries, and distribution, as well as annotated illustrations highlighting relevant diagnostic features. Tables with vernacular names from the countries covered by the guide are also included. To better disseminate this information, particularly for fishers, the field guide includes an Arabic translation.
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Categories: FAO - Fisheries and AcquacultureNumber of views: 1421


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